When you travel, it is important to plan your trip in advance to prevent any problems you may encounter. If you have prepared your luggage and documents very well, planned your flights, know all the information related to check-in, accommodation and transport, don't forget to prepare your car for long-term parking. If you follow the small list below, you will be able to leave your car in the long-term parking lot at the airport without fear of inconvenience on your return:
- Check the oil level and brake fluid, and add if necessary.
- Check and inflate the tires to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer.
- Check and charge the battery if necessary or replace it if it is used.
- Clean the car inside and out, throwing away any useless or old objects from the car.
- Check the air conditioning and heating system and make sure it is working properly.
- Leave a copy of the car's documents and insurance in the car in case it is necessary to contact the owner or to solve a problem.
- Make sure you leave all the windows closed and the doors locked and take the car keys with you.
- If possible, it is recommended to turn off the GPS tracking system or disable it, or cover it.
- Find out about the services offered by the long-term parking in question, such as car insurance.
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